• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    Old School RuneScape: Third-Party HD Clients Statement Update

    Old School RuneScape: Third-Party HD Clients Statement Update

    Third-Party HD Clients Statement Update

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    We have been heard.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Jagex has reached out to me to establish ongoing communications regarding how we can move forward. I am in talks with Mods Sween, Ayiza, and Mac, who are all lovely people and are not personally responsible for yesterday's decision to shut down RuneLite HD — that goes for the rest of the Old School team, too.

    So, continue to make yourself heard but please remember to be respectful of any Jagex employees you interact with or talk about as they are very much listening.

    Things are looking positive.
    Thank you all, so much, for your support.


    submitted by /u/RS_117
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    Day 2 of Jagex ignoring their community and pretending that nothing is happening

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    Almost 70,000 upvotes and thousands of other lurkers have seen 117's post. And not one mod has said something about this, besides mod ash and his tweets which only made things worse.

    Countless times I've seen people come here and post about their account getting hacked and recovered, and now they need Reddit karma to contact customer support. I use to think that most of those people were lying or hackers themselves or rwt'ers. CLEARLY a company of this size has SOME sort of customer support right? After all, over 75,000 people pay them $100+ a year.. that's $7,500,000 a year in just membership revenue.. how can a company of this size not have a customer support channel or chat? Well, this situation has proven that this company truly only cares about profit and doesn't really give a shit what the community wants. As I said yesterday, Ive cancelled my Membership as a form of protest. Don't let this be another thing that dies over time. If this dies with time, it will be the benchmark for any future decisions that Jagex makes that is in their favor and not ours.

    EDIT: to those saying that one membership won't make a difference, you're wrong. As a whole we are a strong community, we raised over 50k+ for multiple charity streams, by mostly $2-$10 donations. As a whole we can make a difference. Don't be discouraged, cancel your membership and do your part.

    EDIT2: thank you all for the upvotes and for raising awareness by sharing this message, a lot of you are curious about the man who spent 2,000 hours of his private time to create something to help us live our nostalgic childhood only to be shut down hours before release. People are curious on how to donate to him, his Reddit username is u/RS_117 and his patreon is HTTPS://patreon.com/RS_117. Also his patreon is on his Reddit user profile if you want to get it directly from there! I'd recommend showing him some appreciation to the years he spent on this!

    EDIT3: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/pkf18p/we_have_been_heard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    JUST Because Jagex reached out to 117 doesn't mean it's over. It's over when his hard work is available to the public,

    Nonetheless, Good shit boys

    submitted by /u/themusicdude11
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    It’s been over 2 years since Jagex promised account security updates. Do you really think they can deliver on an HD client? “Early exploration stages”?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    This is disgusting

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    Case sensitive passwords also being experimented with?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:01 AM PDT

    The biggest OSRS help community just closed

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    It's like they are literally mocking you at this point

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Mod Ash's inappropriate response to the RuneLite HD controversy

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Daily reminder that Jagex lied to parliament and told them that Staking requires skill, “so it’s not gambling”.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    These are the people you give your money to.

    submitted by /u/SecretUndercov3r
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    It's been 20 hours. Still going strong.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Jagex Corporate congratulating each other on a job well done. Photo taken September 6, 2021.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Jaggleflex at it again with the poor decision making.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    Jagex Sigma Grindset

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Reminder: We can have HD the very second Jagex reverses their decision.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    That's how close you are to HD rs,

    And, another part of what is so disgusting right now.

    The code is done, RL is ready to hit the button to go live. If we as a playerbase can convince Jagex to change their decision, the plugin will be live mere moments later. That's right, as soon as we have made them change their minds, we can have HD instantly. We are that close. Don't get discouraged, don't enable it.

    The only thing between you and RSHD at this second is some entitled rich business dude who thinks he knows Rs better than you do.

    We need to fight for this if we really want it and for 117's work to not go down the drain.

    submitted by /u/Aarrg0
    [link] [comments]

    Mod Ash confirms that the decision regarding RuneLite HD came directly from the higher ups

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    Me sitting on Reddit all day waiting for the next corporate statement by Jagex

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    Adding 1 NPC to this picture each day Jagex hasn't released their HD client. (Day 1)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    The Falador Protest on W302 is still going strong! Our desire for HD Justice never sleeps. Ready your cannons for another day of protesting!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    OSRS Drama Calendar - September 2021: 3rd party OSRS HD blocked, Jagex will spend 2000 hours making their own

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Nan is going back into the cage until we get RLHD ��

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    Let's get some traction

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    RL dev 1 Year Ago

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Don't give up now, we as a community can make this happen

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    Me upvoting every post about RuneLiteHD shutdown

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Don't hate on Mod Ash, he is trying his best with what he is allowed to say

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 04:00 AM PDT

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