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    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    Old School RuneScape: Deadman Reborn and QoL Changes (Game Update - September 9th)

    Old School RuneScape: Deadman Reborn and QoL Changes (Game Update - September 9th)

    Deadman Reborn and QoL Changes (Game Update - September 9th)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    "Quick update – our discussions with 117Scape continue and are progressing. We’re talking more tonight and hope to share more info before the weekend."

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Using 117's HD plugin "as a bridge" until Jagex releases their own is not an acceptable solution, and you're all being duped into thinking that it is.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    There is no reason whatsoever that 117's HD plugin has to go if and when Jagex releases their own update. In a world where Minecraft texture packs exists, this is a stupid solution.

    Let multiple HD versions of the game exist if that's what it comes to. I don't understand why Jagex suddenly wants to gatekeep HD graphics after they made it clear after years of asking that they had no desire to make OSRS HD, unless this is about forcing people onto the new client, to which I would say: Too fucking late.

    The game has been out for 8 years, people have already made Runelite their home for OSRS. You don't get to kick them out because you suddenly decided you were motivated to improve your own client.

    Please, don't accept this as a solution. Runelite HD should be allowed to exist, no strings attached.

    Edit: Let me address a few points people keep bringing up:

    It's their game, they can do what they want"....

    I don't even know what to say. That's a dumb bootlicker take. The community has basically kept this game alive for Jagex, they just let us play it. We don't owe them anything, and if they suddenly decide they want to shut the door on Runelite and others, that's a shitty decision.

    3rd party clients have to go in order to stop bots

    How's that working out for RS3? Does anyone actually believe that's going to solve that problem? Better yet, does anyone believe Jagex wants to force people into their own client because they're trying to put a stop to bots? If they don't get banned by us manually reporting them, you think Jagex actually intends to do something about it?

    117's own proposal was for his HD plugin to act as a bridge, you don't get to decide that's a bad option

    I think it's pretty clear that 117 was trying to do everything he could just to get Jagex to let him release the plugin. That doesn't mean that's his preferred outcome, but even if it is my point still stands: there's no reason that needs to happen. If Jagex feels they can't compete with 117's HD plugin, then either don't or buy him out and make it official.

    You're just riding the drama train

    Maybe, but I just saw too many people who were thinking we won without reading between the lines and felt the need to say something. OSRS has/will only stay alive because of the community's contributions to making the experience more enjoyable. Any path forward that Jagex proposes that doesn't involve that will be the death of the game.

    submitted by /u/Wesdawg1241
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    Let’s be clear: nan will be released when the plug-in is released. Discussions are not enough

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Jagex management should stop hiding behind the old school team.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    These controversial game changing posts should be signed from Jagex Management, if the decisions is made from above the old school team.

    It becomes far to easy for the initial backlash to target the JMods who actually care about their work and longevity of the game.

    The initial anger and outrage should not be targeted onto them, we're more than lucky to have such an understanding development team who care about their community, and attacking them for decisions they're not even making is way out of line.

    TL;Dr: Management need to stop hiding behind their team with controversial topics.

    submitted by /u/iMikeHimself
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    I will not masturbate until HD is released

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Do you really want my nutsack to be swollen like a balloon Jagex? It has only been 3 days and I'm already stoking for a stroke

    submitted by /u/SlurpinUpMyDadsCum
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    I think it's important to remind Jagex that for some of us 117s plugin itself isn't what we cared about

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    I don't care about having an HD-client. Honestly I don't want HD, the janky graphics are half the fun of OSRS to me, tbh I think ToB, Inferno and Zeah are already too HD

    What irked me, and I hope I speak for other players too here:

    • Jagex being too lazy / slow / beaurocratic etc. to talk to 117 in advance. If they had given him a C&D a year ago people might have been dissapointed but it wouldn't have made international tech-news. Doing this the day before release is scummy and unprofessional when these sorts of projects were never mentioned negatively in any capacity before
    • Jmods being snarky / rude about what happened, I won't name names because we're all human and make mistakes and I don't want to draw more negative attention to anybody but some Jmods have been posting a lot of snark in the last couple of days, acting high and mighty and generally just been dicks about it
    • Jagex' inability to deliver updates like this on time / at all, while simultaniously refusing to work with the community to integrate their work (which again, was never explicitly or implicity mentioned as not being allowed / be banable)
    • Integrating HD-plugins / clients into their plugin / 3rd party TOS

    1 + 4 are the worst to me. It feels childish and punitive.

    This whole fiasco came across like Jagex are upset 117 did a better job than them and want to protect their ambitions for their new client by bringing down the ban-hammer rather than play nice. I get it, it's their IP, legally they can do what they want with it. But, IMO, they're ignoring that in something like OSRS or really any fandom, the community itself becomes a part of the thing in spirit and legal owners or not they aren't the only people in the room who should have a say in things, because if I feel like we're being ignored I'll stop giving them money and they can pearl-clutch their IP all they want it won't keep the lights on

    My membership is still cancelled until this problem is resolved. I was burned out grinding skills anyways. I'm perfectly willing to pay them money again, but only if I feel like the product is worth the €€€ and the company deserves the patronage

    EDIT: because people keep mentioning it and my statement about the Jmods wasn't clear enough I want to say that the Jmods may have said some things I wouldn't have, may have acted in ways I disliked, but they do not deserve harassment. Do not harass the Jmods. They're people just like you and me, they're having a shitty work-week I can imagine, and they aren't trained / paid PR people so we can't expect them to behave like it

    submitted by /u/ZeJazzaFrazz
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    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    [Suggestion] Add Jagex's statement on the HD plugin to the Stam'Pot bridge

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    2000 hour grind and went afk for a moment

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    Jagex's current progress of the fight caves in HD!!!!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    The Great Olm on the HD client leaked

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Falador when Jagex does something controversial

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Adding 1 NPC to this picture each day Jagex hasn't released their HD client. (Day 2: Stray Dog)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    I forgot to post this a couple days ago but I made a Fally Riots pure

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    This is not over until HD is released

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Locking her up was not enough. Don't make me do it, Jagex.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    Day 3, keep it up guys!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Day 3 of punching a hole in my wall until Jagex allows Runelite HD

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Remember what's important.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Boycott the DMM Finale

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    The highly anticipated event with many onlookers such as media, sponsors, inactive players, and of course the active community, will be kicking off on Sept 17.

    Jagex puts a lot of effort and prep into these events, like what 117 put into RLHD.

    Approximately one week remains until the event kicks off which I believe is plenty of time for Jagex to come up with a concrete plan to implement RLHD.

    If we do not get a desirable outcome, let it be known in the chat stream that we are not happy in order to further pressure Jagex to get their act together.

    Thank you and spread the word!

    submitted by /u/kareem_the_dream
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    We Can't Stop Now [Day 3]

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    I'm mostly regurgitating what's already been said by many others, but.. What was said yesterday means nothing until we have HD in our hands. The plug in is ready to be implemented TODAY. Jagex just needs to give the OK.

    As Adam (creator of Runelite) said, the statement yesterday was to stop the bleeding. Our cries were heard not only by Jagex, but by the gaming community with us hitting #1 on r/all and being featured in gaming blogs and news posts all over the internet. Jagex just wants to throw words out that make us think we got somewhere.

    Let's be clear. "We are talking to 117" could mean anything. This could mean, "we told 117 maybe, but don't intend to act or allow anything"

    117's response is the same, it doesn't mean shit. He has to be nice right now, if he bad talks Jagex it's just going to be harder to get that plug in out, compared to if he butters them up. So we have to be the voice of his frustration.

    So keep voicing your opinions, keep making posts. But most of all, hit Jagex where it hurts and cancel your memberships and don't buy bonds.

    We don't want to be fucked over like how we were fucked over with that account security statement. Where we begged them for more security and a customer support line that actually helps. Yet here we are 2 years later with literally nothing. (Which honestly, while we're at it, we should fight that too, but baby steps)

    So keep the fire burning, and keep them sweating.

    submitted by /u/PerishBtw
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    It sounds like what the OSRS client actually needs.. is a plugin system

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    OSRS is fueled by passionate fans who love the game.

    There's clearly a demand for community-contributed mods to improve the look and feel. We have the passion and most importantly the development talent within the community. I don't think the Jagex team could ever realistically catch up with what RuneLite offers.

    Why not just build a plugin system into the OSRS client, and let the community develop the plugins and thrive with it?

    The advantage is that players can use the official client (no third party issues), and they have the freedom to install community-released plugins to enhance the client. Jagex also has full control over the security and what these plugins can actually do.

    Seems like a no-brainer to me. RuneLite only filled a gap that was missing.

    submitted by /u/Apocalyptism
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    The momentum needs to continue

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    The situation regarding the HDOS Plugin is the first unified push the players have had towards the higher up section of Jagex - The people truly in charge of the game.


    This is a golden opportunity for our community to stay strong together and push for a better game company and community relationship, this can only happen when dealing with the top brass at the company - not the developers or old school specific jmods.


    We as a community need to continue pressuring Jagex EVEN IF THEY ALLOW THE PLUGIN TO HAPPEN because we DESERVE MORE for what is being offered.


    Simple demands like these would make a massive change to the retention and enjoyability of the players.








    There is more that can be done and should be talked about but this can only happen if the people from this community truly want it.


    Continue with the fight, do not settle for less then what the players deserve and show them your frustration with the one thing that makes a difference, your wallet.


    (This is not an attack on jagex but rather a post hoping for better relationships with a game company that we've all supported for so many years, a win for both of us will be when we can come to trust each other)

    submitted by /u/BAmainRS
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    We haven’t won yet

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    OSRS and RS3 fighting together to defeat the real evil, the money hungry overlords at Jagex

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    WHOA the update for osrs on mobile

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    Oh wait. Wow still none. Still none of the things you Brought in for the qol steam upgrades one.

    Still can't easily see fishing spots

    Still no highlighted zones for agility or shortcuts

    And still no simple indicators displaying stat boosts.

    When is osrs mobile going to get Some attention

    submitted by /u/Historical-Use-5872
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