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    Sunday, May 30, 2021

    Old School RuneScape: Equipment Rebalance Feedback - The other changes

    Old School RuneScape: Equipment Rebalance Feedback - The other changes

    Equipment Rebalance Feedback - The other changes

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit!

    Just wanted to say that I've loved reading all of the feedback so far in the main Equipment Rebalance thread but there are lots of smaller points which get drowned out amongst the discussion around the Toxic Blowpipe, the Bow of Faerdhinen and the Amethyst Darts.

    To ensure that we address everything when we discuss the feedback next week I'd love it if you guys could give some feedback on this thread regarding some of the following other changes!

    Link to the blog here: https://osrs.game/equipment-rebalance-ranged-meta-proposal

    I posted the same thing on twitter too, you can leave feedback on either one! https://twitter.com/JagexHusky/status/1399074874400907269/photo/1

    • Changing the healer/ranger stats in the Inferno to Compensate for the BP Nerf, should we do it? If we do, should it be all rangers or just the ones at Zuk
    • Crystal Armour, are the stat changes good? What about the set effect re-distribution?
    • Armadyl Crossbow, what do you think of the special attack changes?
    • Should the Armadyl Crossbow special attack not be doubled in PvP?
    • Ranged off-hands getting strength, what do you think? Are there any more offhands you'd want to see included?
    • Are there any concerns with how the ranged off-hands affect other one-handed weapons which aren't crossbows (such as chins)
    • DHCB Strength% nerf to compensate for the off-hand strength bonus, do you agree? Disagree?
    • Shayzien Tier 5 armour changes to be more ranged focused (to offset the BP accuracy loss at Shamans)
    • The fact that we're polling the buffs and not the nerfs.

    I likely won't reply to much of this tonight, it's still very much the weekend, but I'll reply to some when I'm available and you can be absolutely sure I'll read everything (just like I have in the other thread)!

    submitted by /u/JagexHusky
    [link] [comments]

    Clans Full Launch - Game Update (26/05/21)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Anyone else?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    Ain't my problem

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    When the Slayer task is done but he keeps slaying

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    The Cabbage: Issue #10 - Vegan Mages Warn of Increasing Corruption

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    A design for the Bow of Faerdhinen I made

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    PSA: 10 year old you wouldnt be proud, probably more concerned youre still this bad at a java game at 30 years old

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    I drew What Draynor Manor looks like to a noob

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    The Clan update in a nutshell

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    Celebrated 99 at the Runecrafting guild yesterday

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Finally Maxed on the Ironman :) 5700 hours

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Doomer Gets Addicted To Staking on Runescape

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Suggestion: We should have the option to not let Ironmen join our clan. They chose to suck shit and play alone, why can't we stop them from joining us?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    Eat your heart out Swampletics, my RNG is unmatched

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Finally reached 80 Slayer and boosted to get a whip drop on 189 kc

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Today, after a decade of playing, I discovered that you have to charge a dragonfire shield.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    This means that all this time, I've been flexing a mithril sq shield, apparently.


    submitted by /u/IAMDOGEAMA
    [link] [comments]

    Clan Hall Pet Arena

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    For all the Hardcore Ironmans

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Jagex, if you include wildy in clue steps, steps like this should be a thing

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Ok which one of you mad lads did this?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    I’ll be with you in just a minute......

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Been a long time coming

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    How Do They Make Purple Sweets?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Made a Shit Meme to Vent

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I made a RuneLite chat filter that automatically blocks 99% of spam

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT


    This almost completely eliminates the gambling bots, phishers, advertisers, and other dumb shit. It should act as if you have these accounts added to your ignore list, except you don't actually have to do anything.

    I've taken care to ensure that no legitimate messages are filtered. This will mean the only filtered messages are ones that I'm almost 100% sure are unwanted, as I figure it's better to occasionally see spam than it is to occasionally miss a legitimate (and possibly important) message.

    If you notice any cancer slipping past, please send me the exact message and I'll add it to the list. You can copy the message in-game by right-clicking it and selecting "copy to clipboard". I'll be editing this post to update the filters, so if you like my work, keep this post bookmarked and check back every once in a while for the updated filters. I have to repost this thread every 6 months so I can edit it and people can comment on it, so check my profile for the new thread once this one is archived.

    If you don't want to filter a certain message for whatever reason, you can just remove its line of regex. Use Pythex to make sure any filters you write work properly. Please note that RuneLite matches the chat characters < and > using the patterns <lt> and <gt>, respectively.

    Here is a before and after of the Grand Exchange on World 301: https://imgur.com/a/MlpBs6P

    How to use it

    If you don't already have RuneLite, download it from www.runelite.net.

    To enable this, enable the Chat Filter plugin in RuneLite. Under its settings, set "Filter type" to "Remove Message". Then expand the Filter Lists section, and paste this text under the "Filtered Regex" box:

    ^ +$ swap.+rs3.+\(\)7.+d.?m.?m.+join.+cc [<gt> ]+99 swap[<lt> ]+ \| (duel|low|high|(royal )?slots|odd) \(![dlhsro]\) .+chance.+win.+t([ -]?bow|wisted).+you[ -]*tube next \d+ players get \d+ *[kmb](il+)?.+you[ -]*tube ^ *(does )?any[ -]?(one|body) (have|got) a rune *set( for me)?\? *$ ^ *\[.+\] is a lurer using glitches to scam you out of your items!! *$ röll öf \( was to busy trade declined \(\d/\d\) \| legit dice games \| *5[45]x2 *\| has ((won|lost) slots|been paid).+\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] *$ join.+cc.+legit.+dicing ^ *show \d+ *[kmb](il+)? for (max cash|2[\.,]?147 *m|2([\.,]1)? *b) over \d{3}.\d\db paid! * \| ^ *automated host \| you löst with röll of ^ *2(.1)?b for *\?*$ ubc bets.+win more \|.+dice war.+\| ^ *massive payouts *\| over.+paid ! \| \| trusted & fun dicing ^casino located @ ''99 swap'' ^ *show inv(en?tory)? for (\d{1,4}[bm]|max (cash|stack)) ^ *\[beware\] these players are (scam|lur) ^ *(spending|offer for) (max cash|2[\.,]?147 *m|2([\.,]1)? *b) *\?? ^ *\[beware\] of the following pvp (scam|lur) ^ *\[.+\] is a known (scamm|lur)er ^ *quitting,next 25 plyrs get ^ *quitting,\d{1,4}[bm] gp giveaway search youtube:- @ pogrs ^ *[\w -_]{1,12} is a (scamm|lur)er( beware,)? tr(ying|ies) to gain( ur)? trust w/ fake antiscam! r *s *m *a *l *l *s *\. *c * has (won|lost)( \d+[km]!?)? with a roll of runechat.gg ^ *do?ub+ling? (all )?(coin|gp|money|gold|item)[sz]? *!* *$ my minimum and maximum bet is between ^ *original (dice )?host has received their winnin?gs of: t bet on fakes! \| \|\| huge payouts! rng \d{4,5} [0-2][0-9](:[0-5][0-9]){2} *$ next \d{1,3} players gets? \d{1,3}m.+search.+\w{3,4}\d{3,4}.+(facebook|youtube) ^ *huge \d{1,3}[mb] giveaway started!+ *$ ^ *search ".+" on facebook *$ ^ *\d{1,4}[mb] giveaway.+first come first serve! *$ ^ *(((1 ?|fir)st|next) )?(one|player|person|user|account|guy|dude)? to show( me)? .+ (will )?(win|get|rec[ei]+ve?)s? ^ *trade accepted for .+ amount: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? giving \d{1,3}( percent|%) of what you (show|trade) - \(trade to play\) - rolled a \[ \d{1,2} \] and has (been paid the|traded) \[ \d{1,4}(\.\d+)? *[kmb](il+)? \] my minimum and maximum is \[ ^ *(take?|ac+ept)ing( al+)? (gift|donation|trade)s?( pl(ease|[sz]))? *$ ^ *rewarding generosity!* *$ \| 55x2 dice \| \|\| huge payouts ^ *selling \d+ t(rout|una)s?!* *$ ^ *you only need to trade once! the current queue <gt> *(trade rs|gamer swap|ac swap) *<lt> ^ *watch the video follow the steps and trade me! ^ *visit rngbets\.net ^ *trade from .+: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? \| rng \d{4,5} [0-2][0-9](:[0-5][0-9]){2} *$ ^ *follow the instructions, message me for the trade!* *$ wins! \d{1,4} *[kmb] *(il+)? with a \d{1,3} *$ has received: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$ my bet (are|is) \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? coins\. *$ \[gembets\] increasing banks by 10% 1 time only 1 trade ^ *trade?ing up .+ ^ *dance?ing (for|4) (money|coins|items|\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?)[!\.]* *$ ^ *selling jokes?!* *$ \| *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? minimum *\| guilded.gg/gem-bets ^ *quit+ing! staking \d{1,4} ? *[kmb](il+)? all l(v|eve)ls! show (yo)?ur cash! *$ y[0o]u?tube *<gt> *[a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4} *$ ^ *[\w\-_ ]+ lost :\( with a \d{1,3} *$ ^ *[\w\-_ ]+ wins! \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? with a \d{1,3} *$ ^ *[\w\-_ ]+ has received: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$ ^ *[\w\-_ ]+ my bet (are|is) \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?\+ coins\. *$ ^ *the queue has \(\d{1,3}\) people\.( *\[\d{1,3}\] (win|loss) streak!)? *$ s *e *l *l *r *s *0 *7 watch and win [a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4} ytbe *$ \| *55 *\+ wins! *\| ^ *congratulations to [\w\-_ ]+ on a win of \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?! *$ ^ *(my minimum and maximum bet is|this machine only accepts coins\.) \(\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? to \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?\) coins\. try again\. *$ \[disc[oö]rd\.gg/stamina\] ^ *[\w\-_ ]+ has declined the trade\. *$ you,_,tube to win n0w *$ \| *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? min(imum)? *\| ^ *dancing for (free )?(money|items|gp|junk|stuff)!* *$ (win|give[ -]?away).+["']*[a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4}["']* [o0]n y[o0]u?,? ?tu?be *$ ^ *trade accepted by [\w\-_ ]+: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$ [\|l] *roll( over)? 5[45]\* *[\|l] ^ *doubling (money|g(old|p)).+\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? left ^ *bot still works while muted hilo \d{4} depending ön yöur ^ *\([\w\-_ ]+\) has (been paid|cashed in) ^ *massive payouts! you (have )?rolled a \(\d\d\) fuck(\(\)|0|o) fuckm ^ *\*+ has won: ^ *scam+ers alert! " ^ *add '[\w\-_ ]+' *to ignore, (he will try to gain ur trust w/|tries gaining trust with) fake antiscam! *$ ^ *beware (of )*fake antiscams, if it's too good to be true; then it is! *$ ^ *buy(ing)? (g[hr]+azi|rap[ie]+r|t(wisted|[ -]?bow)|el+y|dwh).* (\d{3,4} *[kmb](il+)?|max (cash|stack|gp)) ^ *\d+ *[kmb](il+)? re(c[ei]+ved|turned enjoy mate!) *$ ^ *trade accepted @ (won|lost) (with ?|roll ?){2} .?\d{1,3} ^ *roll 5\d\+ ^ *join.*(<gt>)+.+(<lt>)+ <gt> *eco *swap *<lt> ^ *hotroll: \) roll \d\d *\+ \( \(game: .+\) id: \d+ *$ has cashed in: *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? has run out of time. try again. *$ lost with a roll of \(\d+\) *$ lost fruit slots with \(.+\) *$ uidhosts\.net ^ *lurers to ignore\: has been paid *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?! @ ^ *take?ing a(ll|ny) (junk|item) ^ *clean out your banks! *$ ^ *hide your name from game results with \(!p\)rivate\. *$ infernoscape.+g \]are hacked accounts to scam!* *$ 

    Optionally, you can also add the following lines. I recommend looking at each of these lines to see if they would negatively impact any activities you might be involved in. For example, you might not want to add the lines that block messages from people who are buying and selling things, or you might want to keep clan advertisers visible because you're looking for a clan.

    [<gt> ]+.+[<lt> ]+ c(c|lan) \[disc[oö]rd.gg/.+\] twitch.+giveaway.+drop part ^ *(buy|sel+)ing (all )?burn(t|e?d) food ^ *(buy|sel+)ing?( bulk| all)? feathers? \d *(gp|coins)( ea(ch)?)? ^ *do n\.?o\.?t search for (keyword )?giveaways on youtub ^ *(buy|sel+)ing? .+ ?[-|]+ ?[\w\-_ ]+ *$ not safe on pvp.+you never get the sceptre 

    You can also add this to the "filtered names" section, which pretty much entirely eliminates the gambling bots:

    ^(vegas|raise|gamble|rng|roll|trusted) \d{3,}$ ^veg [a-z]\d[a-z]\d$ 

    submitted by /u/HalfOfAKebab
    [link] [comments]

    Any idea when the museum below Falador Party Room will expand? Currently it only goes to January 2019. It would be nice to catalog the last two and half years into history as well!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT

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