• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Daily /r/2007scape question thread for Saturday, November 21 2020 (posted on 00:07:59 UTC - RuneScape server time)

    Ask anything about Old School RuneScape here! They are designated for you to ask anything you like that is relevant to the game or this subreddit. Remain respectful to your fellow 'scapers when answering questions; there are stupid questions, but it does not mean you should not be respectful whilst answering them.

    Click here to view the archive of /r/2007scape "ask anything" threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Was just gearing to kill Vorkath and panicked when I couldn't find my hasta in my bank

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:18 AM PST

    Low effort meme

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:14 AM PST

    I picked the shroom. And Jagex just ruined it for me.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST

    Yes yes, I am aware of how much better last recall is. But the shroom was OP in the wild. Beating teleblock, working up to the top of the wild...picking the wilderness for my last area made the slog getting there all worth it.

    Then jagex, all while talking about how they won't change relics midway, makes it so you can no longer use the shroom while tbed. Without even making a blog note about it.

    Ok fine, not the end of the world. Fucked up for anyone that did use shroom. Fucked up that it was a silent update. But ok. Shroom still OP. Still something redeeming about the shroom that neither of the others can match.

    Then, today. Another silent hotfix, and poof. Shroom is now the hot garbage everyone thought it was and more. Cant teleport over 30 wild.

    You know, just because not many of us took a given route doesn't mean it's ok to change things about our relics either. I'm so fucking furious.

    submitted by /u/dickacheese
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    Mod Mat K stayed true to his word 2 years later :)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:49 AM PST

    The real reason why I use Runelite

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:11 PM PST

    I read on the wiki that the demon butler once served the dead demon from the golem quest. I decided to make a comic about.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:41 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:09 AM PST

    “What’s the point of playing if u arent having fun”

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Vacation shotgun = 100 % drop rate

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    2nd 99!! Can finally start slayer again and get my Mining cape (t) :D

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:21 AM PST

    When you’re 25 and your girl finds out your a RuneScape rapper

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    22,333,000 xp drop

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Game breaking bug. Potential for me to be clinically retarded or have discovered the hidden secret to creating alts.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:27 AM PST

    Basically I wanted to create a brand new Ironman account today and start playing, sounds easy right!

    I made the account on the website, and set up the authenticator step before even logging in, it prompted me for an ingame name so let's call that "Player1" okay perfect done that, I then logged in and was confused because it asked me for a name and I thought I just did that, so I gave it a different name on step 1 of tutorial island.

    I then logout of desktop so I can login to this account on my mobile and buy its membership through the Google play store, no problem right?

    As it stands currently I have two completely separate ingame characters logged into the same world, with identical login credentials .....the only difference is that one seems to be a mobile profile and the other seems to be desktop?

    I have no idea what is going on...my membership payment was accepted but hasn't been applied to either account...I think I fucked up boys...

    submitted by /u/Neitzi
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    When your finally the king of Fremmy.. But have no one to share it with.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 07:43 PM PST

    I know Saradomins Light brightens the area, but can we make Zammy GWD just a little bit lighter?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:31 PM PST

    Trailblazer clue scrolls be like

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:54 AM PST

    J1mmy winning the Gnome Awards on stream, I nominate this donation aswell

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:35 AM PST

    The BEST Region combo for Leagues + max points calculated

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Trailblazers has been out for a little over 3 weeks now and the top of the highscores are starting to settle down. With nearly 5 weeks of League left and so many points earned, some players wonder whether or not their chances of winning the Leagues come down to which regions they picked.

    According to the OSRS wiki, not all regions have equal points associated with them. By taking a quick look, you might assume that combining Kandarin, Wildy and Morytania, you would get optimal chances of winning because these regions hold the most points. However, this is not true, as many tasks within not only these regions, but also the general regions that are unlocked for everyone, require other regions to be completed.

    Below is a breakdown of which regions and combinations will earn you how many points.


    The tasks and regions have been broken down as follows:

    General / multiple regions

    Points available: 33.800

    Points obtainable without any additional regions: 32.730 (missing 1.070 points)

    Additional points from singular regions (only one region is required to earn this amount of points):

    -> unlocking Kandarin: + 470

    -> unlocking Fremennik: + 410

    -> unlocking Asgarnia: + 250 (task also doable in Kandarin / Fremennik -> if you have any of these regions, unlocking Asgarnia won't give you additional points)

    -> unlocking Wilderness: + 100 (task also doable in Kandarin / Fremennik, see above)

    -> unlocking Desert: + 10 (task also doable in Kandarin / Fremennik, see above)

    Addtional points from region combinations (all of these regions are required to earn these points):

    -> Kandarin + Fremennik = 720

    -> Kandarin + Tirannwn = 820

    -> Kandarin + Fremennik + Tirannwn = 1.070


    Points available: 7.340

    Points obtainable without any additional regions: 6.240 (missing 1.100 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Asgarnia: + 200

    -> unlocking Fremennik: + 350

    Additional points from region combinations:

    -> Kandarin + Asgarnia = 250

    -> Kandarin + Fremennik = 900

    -> Kandarin + Fremennik + Asgarnia = 1.100


    Points available: 7.240

    All of these points can be obtained without unlocking additional regions.


    Points available: 9.100

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 8.350 (missing 750 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Wilderness: + 250

    -> unlocking Fremennik: + 250 (this task can also be done in the Wilderness, combining the 2 regions won't give you additional points)

    -> unlocking Desert: + 500


    Points available: 9.900

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 9.700 (missing 200 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Kandarin: + 50

    Additional points from region combinations:

    -> Kandarin + Asgarnia = 200


    Points available: 10.050

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 9.650 (missing 400 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Asgarnia: + 250

    -> unlocking Fremennik: + 150

    -> unlocking Tirannwn: + 50

    -> unlocking Wilderness / Morytania / Tirannwn: + 50 (task can be completed in any of these regions)


    Points available: 7.850

    All of these points can be obtained without unlocking additional regions.


    Points available: 10.520

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 10.270 (missing 250 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Asgarnia: + 250 (technically the Guardian boots task is completable anywhere with Bandos boots being a 1 in 1mil drop from Bandos Guardians)


    Points available: 9.340

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 8.990 (missing 350 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Kandarin: + 350


    Points available: 10.200

    Points obtainable without additional regions: 8.600 (missing 1.600 points)

    Additional points from singular regions:

    -> unlocking Kandarin / Desert / Fremennik: + 850 (tasks are completable with any of these regions)

    -> unlocking Fremennik: + 750 (in combination with the above tasks, Fremennik allows you to get all 1.600 missing points in Wilderness)

    -> unlocking Asgarnia: + 500


    The best 10 combinations for points are...

    1. Frem + Kand + Mory: 33.800 (Gen) + 7.140 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 9.850 (Kand) + 9.750 (Frem) + 10.270 (Mory) = 78.050 points
    2. Frem + Kand + Wild = 33.800 (Gen) + 7.140 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 9.850 (Kand) + 9.750 (Frem) + 10.200 (Wild) = 77.980 points
    3. Frem + Kand + Tira = 33.800 (Gen) + 7140 (Mist) + 7240 (Kara) + 9900 (Kand) + 9750 (Frem) + 9340 (Tira) = 77.170 points
    4. Frem + Mory + Wild = 33.140 (Gen) + 6590 (Mist) + 7240 (Kara) + 9700 (Frem) + 10270 (Mory) + 10200 (Wild) = 77.140 points
    5. Asga + Frem + Kand = 33.450 (Gen) + 7.340 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 8.850 (Asga) + 9.900 (Frem) + 10.050 (Kand) = 76.830 points
    6. Kand + Mory + Tira = 33.550 (Gen) + 6.240 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 9.750 (Kand) + 10.270 (Mory) + 9.340 (Tira) = 76.390 points
    7. Frem + Tira + Wild = 33.140 (Gen) + 6.590 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 9.700 (Frem) + 8.990 (Tira) + 10.200 (Wild) = 75.860 points
    8. Asga + Kand + Mory = 33.200 (Gen) + 6.490 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 8.350 (Asga) + 9.950 (Tira) + 10.520 (Mory) = 75.750 points
    9. Asga + Frem + Wild = 33.140 (Gen) + 6.790 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 8.600 (Asga) + 9.700 (Frem) + 10.200 (Wild) = 75.670 points
    10. Kand + Mory + Wild = 33.200 (Gen) + 6.240 (Mist) + 7240 (Kara) + 9.700 (Kand) + 10.270 (Mory) + 8.600 (Wild) = 75.250 points

    And just for fun - the worst possible combination:

    Dese + Tira + Wild = 32.840 (Gen) + 6.240 (Mist) + 7.240 (Kara) + 7.850 (Dese) + 8.990 (Tira) + 8.600 (Wild) = 71.760 points

    In Conclusion, you can see that the difference in points based on regions picked is very small. Even with the absolute worst combination, you "only" have 6.000 less points available. Winning Trailblazer will likely come down to who is willing to grind more. I personally don't think that anyone will achieve max points.

    Also, I'm very surprised to see Fremennik being this good when so few people picked it, whereas the classic combo (Kand + Asga + Mory) is only the 8th best.

    submitted by /u/ElyziumLoL
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    Enjoy the Rune Essence Mine in HD :3 (HDOS Client)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Came out of Nieve's cave and it's snowed! Christmas has come early.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:01 AM PST

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