• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Daily /r/2007scape question thread for Saturday, February 1 2020 (posted on 00:09:25 UTC - RuneScape server time)

    Ask anything about Old School RuneScape here! They are designated for you to ask anything you like that is relevant to the game or this subreddit. Remain respectful to your fellow 'scapers when answering questions; there are stupid questions, but it does not mean you should not be respectful whilst answering them.

    Click here to view the archive of /r/2007scape "ask anything" threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Chat never fails

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Wave 70... big boi leave his spot.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:02 PM PST

    UIM beginner luck I guess?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Poor EU

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:48 AM PST

    This guy on twitter posted this. If it’s already on here I’m sorry. But he got 50k med clues done with a 3b loot tab. This is madness

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Fix skull tricking so that we aren't afraid to fight back

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Gotta love rs humour

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:38 PM PST

    Learning solos, not sure if I should be happy or cry

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:26 AM PST

    New death mechanics are going to be complete nonsense.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:49 AM PST

    So the system they are proposing is a 15 minute timer and a fee based on how expensive the items are.

    At ToB, CoX, Zulrah and Vorkath however nothing changes.

    So basically the best money makers, done by the richest with the highest stats are going to be by far the safest in the game. Getting a Twisted Bow at CoX will be safer than killing anything in the game that isn't a duck.

    The mid game noob trying to kill hellhounds that drop fucking bones and a 1/32000 rock worth dick who accidentally have their prayer drop who died can lose their entire bank minus 3 items if they

    • do not make it back in 15 minutes (imagine 5 minutes of afking reducing timer to 10 mins + poor servers that make pathing back very laggy, goodbye bank).

    • do not have enough spare money to pay the fee anyway despite owning the items and are given zero opportunity to make money to earn the items back

    What sort of logic is having the easiest content be the most dangerous? It is impossible to implement a timer for instances like CoX because it would be nonsensical, so a timer should not exist full stop as raids being the safest thing would be ridiculous.

    Also the argument that the mechanics used to be like this... yeah, they did, except in 2007 everyone ran around in shitty welfare gear worth absolutely nothing and no instanced bosses existed. It was a wild west but everyone was in the same boat and all things carried the same risk, also no one was getting ddossed. No special treatment for anyone, if you lost your items either stop using dialup or play better. Incomparable to now.

    These days most players have gear that costs them months of play time. Saying that you can lose it purely due to afking a crap slayer task is utter insanity. They shouldn't have to now play welfare after years of not doing so, what fun is using crap items even though you can afford better just in case the death mechanics fuck you over? Isn't the entire fun of the game getting gold and items?

    I have no problem with a fee, indeed there probably should be a fee.

    But a TIMER as well? Like for gods sake, are you not even allowed to earn the money to unlock the items? Do I have to leave a dead 5m in my bank at all times just because I might accidentally die afking a long ass slayer task?

    If you think about it, a fee today of say 1-2m for end game gear would be the same as what you'd lose when dying back in 2007 so it would be okay. But in 2007, you wouldn't ever have a chance to instead lose 100m because of lost items, as items were very cheap. Edit: Yes it was harder to make money and people were worse at the game, but getting a whip in 2007 was far easier than getting end game gear like tbow today.

    Just seems extremely strange that there would be no punishment for years, and then when the servers are still crap they are going to roll it back and then go further by creating an item sink purely based around punishing people who afk slayer / punishing bad servers (lag, not dc) which makes it hard to get back to the area / punishing literally everyone who isn't super rich and doing the end game content.

    If this is coming to the game (is it being polled?), why would I ever do ANY content that isn't Raids or Vorkath? Best money and zero chance of losing items unlike the rest of the game.

    Ash is really pushing this as an "item sink", but it just seems like no one is thinking about what this actually means. It will only serve as an item sink on people who are victims of the crappy server or victims of just wanting to buy nice gear and not having any spare money left over to pay the fee, while letting all the end game players play with zero risk at all. Mid game players shouldn't have to make an extra few million to buy gear you can already afford just to ensure you can instantly pay to release the gear upon death before it is deleted forever. The whole fun of my early days playing rs back in 2007-10 was getting money to upgrade gear, but now being told that I have to have the money to even get it back in 15 minutes or it's gone feels extremely shitty given how useless the servers are as well which lag even excluding the disconnections.

    tl;dr Ditch the time limit to retrieve items, make items stay infinitely in some location but force you to pay the fee in all deaths and make it run by the payment new system INCLUDING vorkath, tob etc. If the game need an item sink cool, but this isn't how you make an item sink, this is simply cruelness for the sake of it and is no fun at all like the original 2007 looting death system was that is no longer viable thanks to ddosing. Treating mid level players far worse than end game is the icing on the cake of a really shitty system that can never be fair unless the timer is removed as instanced deaths will never have a timer.

    edit: Or the alternative opinion as /u/TotalEnmity says, don't put the fee in at all because it is true that it basically punishes people for trying to learn and actually progress in the game, and basically means only people who know it already will be able to compete in the end game unless someone threw a ton of their bank at dying over and over just to try learn.

    It dis-incentivizes doing new and reputedly 'hard' bosses, and entrenches existing, experienced PvMers as the sole inhabitants of the end-game.

    Idk, but whatever the hell you do Jagex make it not as shit as this.

    submitted by /u/LCK123456
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    the sad truth about grinding for your favourite pet

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Can we have more content for skillers?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    It seems like osrs has always been all about pvm. Having new bosses and challenges is great and all, but it's not really what I'm here for.

    This game has always been about the grind for me. I don't understand why I like it, it's dull, repetitive, pretty much objectively boring. but I find it relaxing and satisfying to just click on rocks, trees, and fish pools for hundreds of hours and slowly accumulating wealth.

    Lately, skilling has started to become obsolete. Bosses are by far the best money makers, and they further devalue gathering skills by dropping copious amounts of skilling resources. It's not a good time to be a skiller.

    It would be nice if skilling was more rewarding, and the only way to really do this is to create more content for skillers providing resources that are valuable, and will never be dropped by pvm bosses.


    submitted by /u/gekosaurus
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    Returning to the animated armour after killing 500 cyclopes and no d defender

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Chad move

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:43 AM PST

    I Bacame A Househost And Made BANK

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    Having watched Colonello's video called "OSRS Host Are Breaking The Law" and become a House Host. I really wanted to know whether there were any nice hosts on the scene. Here's what happened...

    I start searching for a unique name. The name Househost was available so I took it. First I got 99 Construction using Mythical cape stands and headed to World 330 Rimmington. I started asking current hosts about how much money they make. Most hosts gave me random numbers that they made up apart from a few honest hosts. Nearly all questions were not answerers and just tried to avoid or ignore my questions. Some of them even kicked me for sounding "dodgy". Most answers sounded like "I didn't make much today" or "I made 600K within 16 hours. Sounds quite honest because all tips must be random. Only a couple of hosts gave an honest answer and tried to help.

    Everything started with current house hosts sounding like it really isn't worth it. I decided to try it out anyway and started building my house. Going from house to house, getting ideas and stealing house layouts from famous house hosts I finally built my house. It looked like I am a total beginner but with a budget to set the layout. I spent about 50M because I built a massive house with loads of rooms.

    I am finally ready to start hosting my house. Luckily Jagex has implemented the House Advertisement Board which allows you to compete with famous house hosts. I add myself to the board, join my house, light the burners and hope for the best. All of a sudden a bunch of people start joining. Success! I felt like I was the new famous house host. People are running around the house and giving compliments.

    A lot of random people came into the house and started using the gilded altar. All I had to do was light the burners every 2 minutes or so. Within minutes, people are thanking me for helping the community and started to use the Tip jar that I built right near the entrance. Tips are coming from random people that I have never met before. Everyone is thanking me for just being there and spending my time helping the community. More and more people started to join because I was a new person on the scene and the community is very welcoming. They didn't want me to leave. They started asking about who I am, what skills I enjoy and other random in-game questions. They really liked me for nothing!

    Within 10 minutes of me hosting I get a 5M tip. Then a significantly lower tip followed by a 10M tip. People are giving me their coins for watching the TV, listening to music and eating food. I keep lighting the burners and someone had just won a stake. They trade me 10M coins and start training Prayer followed by a question of "do you know any bone runners?".

    I am new to the scene but I had seen an advertisement bot outside calling out a bone running CC. Without thinking much of it, I tell them about the CC and keep lighting the burners. The same person trades me another 5M coins and starts talking to his "runner". After 5 minutes they call out that they got scammed. I felt bad. Really bad. I felt like I had failed the person that gave me 15M which is a lot of money. A whole Armadyl godsword and some supplies! I didn't think to tell them to asked a ranked person how much they are insured for. They tell me that they just got scammed for 4M coins. I thought that now people will think that I am a scammer and will not join my house. I told the person to message the CC Owner and ask for a rank. They said that 4M is nothing to them and they do not have the time for it. After a few hours the same thing happens again. Someone got scammed and I thought that I will be known as a scammer and will not get any more visitors into my house.

    Oh was I wrong. We start getting more visitors than any popular house host that has been around for 3 or even 4 years! People are joining and start talking. Everyone starts tipping like crazy without even knowing me. They leave a tip and run off without a thank you. This left me in the dark feeling as if I owed them something. This is people I don't know, why are they doing this? I started questioning myself. Did Colonello's video cover everything? No it did not. The video covers everyone being toxic. I made a lot of tips, met some people and decided to go to bed. The next day I decided to join some hosts to see how they really are.

    Most house hosts really acted toxic and did not want to answer my questions or help me with the basic things. They told me that the money isn't worth it and that Vorkath is a much better choice. I didn't give up and started to join other house hosts. Only a few were really thankful without putting on a fake smile and really went out of their way to help me. They took me around, gave me tips and answered my questions. Even the ones about how much money they are making. Although it did take me multiple strategies to get an answer, I did get some answers. Most hosts said they had a really bad day and made about 300K. Some said they had made about 600K within 16 hours. Sounds true because all tips are random, right? No, it was a massive lie to try and stop me from joining them.

    Within seconds, more and more people are joining the house and people are thanking me for standing around doing nothing. I am asking myself why are they thanking me? Whilst I am thinking this, even more tips start coming in! Someone trust trades me a Dragon warhammer for fashionscape. I enjoyed it for a few seconds and gave it back. We start talking and the same person trades me about 35M worth of stuff that they had PKed that day on their pure. I cannot belive my eyes. I am not known and people are already trusting me with so much value? I ask to try that for fashionscape and they trade me instantly. I ask to try on this for fashionscape and they trade me. I start thinking...

    The same person that gave me the 35M gives me another 10M for nothing. This is my first day hosting a house! After about an hour someone else gives me 5M. Followed by another 10M. People are tipping like crazy without knowing me or asking who I am or which clan I am from. I'm not from any clans so I spent all of my time talking to the guests in the new house. The most common tips were from 1 coin to about 50K.

    I started with thanking everything with the following template: "Tyvm for the tip (name)! <3" What I had found out is that when you host a house you have so much free time that you tend to go into the other hosts houses to see what's up. My friend decided to play a detective and spy on people trying to find out their alts etc. So they joined with their alts and tipped 1 coin, 1k coins or something very small for a tip shoutout. This is a mind trick to make your guests feel like you are getting tips so they don't feel bad for not leaving you a tip. I decided to change the strategy and start calling out "Tyvm for the (amount) tip (name)! <3". This allowed the community to see exactly how much I was getting so they can make their minds up. All of a sudden people started to feel bad and started to give me their last cash stack. I had more money than them but they still gave me something like 300K or less and said sorry. I got a sorry everyday because they wanted to tip me! What?! I am standing in one place and lighting burners every 2 minutes to get a sorry, this is all I have. People feel as if they have to tip me. Instead of saving the cash stack so they can get supplies and gear quicker, they wanted to tip on the spot. This made no sence to me and it still doesn't now.

    Fast foward 6 days I have achieved the followed: 1 day to setup my house and 6 days for hosting. After 6 days I have made 160M for standing in one place. My name Househost isn't known in the community and people are already trust trading me with so much wealth and giving me very big tips.

    Reverse Psychology:

    People join your house and try to get a reaction out of you. They try all sorts of tricks and accuse you of everything possible to make you sound toxic. Whilst current hosts put on a fake smile and pretend like they are nice, they want you to sound toxic.


    Other house hosts will join your house and spy on you 24/7. They want to know how you handle questions, how you respond, what time you login and logout etc. They will give you small tips to make it sound like you get a lot of tips so others don't tip you. They do not gain anything from this. It's just the psychology of if I cannot have it, others cannot have it.


    They will pretend to be your friends and act as if they are sending their guests into your house with hopes of you doing the same. However, some actually do send their guests into your house.


    You will be the center of attention with loads of questions being fired at you. Think of it as a very aggressive interview. You will be the person that lets the candles go out. You will be the person that creates drama in hopes of luring the guests into your house.


    Most house hosts will try and lure you into their house with unofficial false claims. "The best house", "Most efficient house", "Number 1 voted house" and many other lines. They will use multiple bots to compete for the advertisement space on your screen. 1 player can be worth billions!


    People always ask you about your highest tip for the way. House hosts will make a random number sounding like "Someone donated 50M today!" or "My highest ever tip was 500M+! I doubt it that it will ever get beated!


    I am not trying to enter the scene and make it out that I am the best host with the most efficient house. There are other very good houses out there. Use the "House Advertisement" board to check other hosts and see which host you prefer. I want the old hosts to realise that they have made a mistake by lying to the community. I want them to learn from their mistakes so that the community can forgive them and start coming back to their loved house hosts.

    Advice to current hosts: please be honest with your guests because most people have seen the video by now and know exactly what is going on. Be honest and the community will forgive you and come back.


    As soon as I started to tell people how much I had made. Other house hosts started doing the exact same thing. Would I say that the hosting scene has a lot of drama? Definitely! They tried to join our house and literally say the're about to start hosting. This is a very brief post and I hope I have answered most questions that you might have. A lot of these hosts will spend months of their life trying to convince 1 person that you are toxic so they can get that tip. Do I think that you should get 99 Construction and start hosting? Yes! You will make absolute BANK! House hosting is an underground goldmine that house hosts don't want you to know about. I will be making a whole series on this hosting scene.

    submitted by /u/Househost
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    The Solution to Death Mechanics: Broken Items

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Anyone who has played another MMO, WoW being the most notable example, understands broken items. You die, you keep all your gear and items in your inventory, but everything you had equipped "breaks" and you have to pay to repair it. This is easily the most logical thing to do in OSRS:

    • The concept is tried and true in other MMOs

    • Having to repair armor that breaks in PvM already exists in OSRS and has since 07. See: Barrows

    • The code to break items on death exists in OSRS already. See: Untradeables in PVP

    This is easily the most logical and easy to implement solution for death. Change my mind.

    submitted by /u/devilwarier9
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    Quit for a few months because this grind burnt me out, but its finally over (btw)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:44 AM PST

    First ever 3rd age!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:43 PM PST

    My 900 ToB Log

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:16 AM PST

    Move the Wiki button to the top of the minimap so it can't be misclicked.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Finally got my first ring at DKs!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Lmao they made Morytania into a real thing, but they accidentally made it look like Al Kharid

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:13 PM PST

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