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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the daily /r/2007scape question thread!

    You can ask anything about Old School RuneScape here. They are designated for you to ask anything you like that is relevant to the game or this subreddit. Remain respectful to your fellow 'scapers when answering questions; there are stupid questions, but it does not mean you should not be respectful whilst answering them.

    Keep in mind that this is not a developer Q&A thread - questions for the game developers should be posted in the weekly developer Q&A posts.

    Click here to view the archive of /r/2007scape "ask anything" threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Wilderness Changes *Updated - V2*

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Just over half of OSRS players understand the wilderness

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Think, Gertrude!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Something a little different, made a realistic version of Verac with clear resin and a rotating LED base.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Good irl friend of mine and veteran osrs player recently took his life...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I was wondering if there was any way I could get in contact with Jagex directly about locking away his account. I can provide proof, identities, even passwords to his account.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/nBoots
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    Bloodveld slayer helmet

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Hindsight is 20/20

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    My mental state after completing the MTA Log

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Those battles were the best! ⚔️����

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    Ask and ye shall receive - God Graceful Expansion Pack

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    Fucking splashing and fuck NMZ. Salamanders at bandits is the new AFK magic meta

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    [Suggestion] Buffs to Granite and Granite accessories. Do not read if you are a gargoyle.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    I'll keep it short and concise. Each suggestion is meant to be an individual one but i don't want to make separate threads. Think of them like separate questions on a poll.

    • First of all, allow pieces of granite equipment to prevent the player from being displaced or stunned by monsters with strong physical attacks (i.e: Obor and many quests monsters like the Giant Roc or Clod). With a 100% protection if the player is wearing all the pieces.

    Obviously attacks that teleport you don't count since it's not a strong physical attack.

    "Did you know that granite can be a really heavy object? It would make some logical sense if it would nail the player to the ground like the iron boots in the Zelda games"

    • Second: Allow the granite ring to give you a chance to smelt up to two granite cannonballs without having to use dust on them. It will work only for X (Number is up to the developers) cannonballs smelted regardless of whether you get a granite cannonball or not, then the ring will crumble.

    "This ring is totally useless, it shouldn't be too useful either. With this change it would make it feel like a better drop without undermining granite dust".

    • Third: Allow granite weapons to deal additional damage to gargoyles (Again, number crunching up to the developers) without increasing their accuracy.

    "Power attacks and critical hits are really cool when they happen, plus except for the gargoyle bosses, fighting these monsters isn't really that big of a deal. Why not make it more fun without breaking it too much?"

    PS: All downvotes are angry gargoyles.

    PPS: I bought all the granite stock market, it's too late to merch.

    submitted by /u/AnnwynGuard
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    Monke sadness

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Opinion: Pvp will always be dead so long as the community is nearly impossible to break into as a new player.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Pvp is incredibly hard, probably the hardest piece of content in the game to master, and has a massive skill gap between people trying to learn vs. people that are good. There's also no real "progression" to get into Pvp besides just risking more and more, but the pure scene, which is the "lowest level" Pvp bracket still has some of the nastiest pkers in the game.

    The answer isn't incentivizing learning with gp rewards, ie bounty hunter. This game is about efficiency now, and if you incentivize it, it'll get min-maxed to hell to where the gp/hr is maximized by just trading kills and not getting good at Pvp, not even including bots and gold farmers. Also, the answer isn't just to make pvm in the wildy 10m/hr, that'll last for 2 weeks before it either crashes every market or drops to 2m/hr. The games economy can't handle that right now.

    I don't have the answer, it's incredibly tricky with the current state of the game. But pkers, please stop asking "how can jagex make Pvp better for me" and start asking "how can jagex make Pvp better for everyone so that more people do it." And you'll revive the wildy a whole lot more.

    submitted by /u/SlootRS
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    Armadillo godsword

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Yeah some people get Tbow, but have you ever got the same gp loot as points?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    *UPDATED* Solution to the ever falling price of CoX scrolls. The item sink!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Training my pet rat to do runecrafting. This is going to take less time than actually doing it by myself tbh.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    The reason pvp is dead is because most people dont care to sink the time into a pure just to start learning to pk.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    i mean honestly, pking has interested me and iv even had fun in pre shit lms before it made tribridding mandatory. but the lack of any way for new pkers to learn and the fact you cant pk on your main is a pretty big deterrent.
    like sure lemme just go sink 100 hours and a few hundred mil into a pure to learn a part of the game i may not even enjoy.

    submitted by /u/kafkajeffjeff
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    I post stolen Runescape memes every day until Jagex removes the Duel Arena. Day 14

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    On how summoning would affect Pking - Also applies to people playing 3 accounts at once to boss

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Super fitting here

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    I like to COX.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Noted Drops Confuse Me.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:07 PM PDT

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