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    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Old School RuneScape: Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Have a question about the game or the subreddit? Ask away!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Welcome to the daily /r/2007scape question thread!

    You can ask anything about Old School RuneScape here. They are designated for you to ask anything you like that is relevant to the game or this subreddit. Remain respectful to your fellow 'scapers when answering questions; there are stupid questions, but it does not mean you should not be respectful whilst answering them.

    Keep in mind that this is not a developer Q&A thread - questions for the game developers should be posted in the weekly developer Q&A posts.

    Click here to view the archive of /r/2007scape "ask anything" threads.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    1013, one of the best pkers, multi PvP tournaments winner, turns out to be a cheater...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    In light of the last 2-3 weeks, some people need to see this

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:07 PM PST

    You can't say I didn't try

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:32 AM PST

    In light of the last 2-3 weeks, some other people need to see this

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:31 AM PST

    Smithing is (not) the future!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:32 AM PST

    You want that Q.P. cape or not?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:23 AM PST

    Isle of souls fairy ring

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:31 AM PST

    Jagex!! FIX!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Found the guy that did motion capture for The Nightmare animations

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Suggestion: Give more power to the players by polling routine office expenses!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    The Duality of Man

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Buying TBOW 2147M

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:51 AM PST

    The death rework shows that there is a better option for the Jmods to introduce equipment rebalancing.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:10 AM PST

    I will be the first to say that equipment rebalancing will probably be a good thing for the game going long. The blowpipe is best in slot literally everywhere except draconic bosses or places the Tbow is good, and its strength warps what they can add to the game going forward. I don't like the way the Wilderness is structured at all, but I can understand the frustration of people in 8k alch rags consistently escaping you when you risk considerably more. There's probably even a reasonable way to balance the Bulwark such that it's still good, but requires more skill than just sitting behind the door.

    I will also admit that the polling system the way it has usually been used will not be able to accomplish these things. Nobody wants their items to be nerfed without getting anything in return, and most players will automatically vote no to anything which makes the game harder for them. Which is honestly fair enough, as that's what polls are for.

    But right now, players aren't able to tell the Jmods what they want in a consistent way, and feel like their agency is being taken. And Jmods are getting a ton of abuse they really don't deserve.

    But this is a problem that was already solved once before in the death rework poll.

    Death Rework Model

    When the Jmods announced they were going to be reworking death, they just came right out and said that the old system was not going to be kept. There was no poll for the status quo. However, they did poll the replacement system, giving the players more latitude to tell Jmods in a coherent manner what they preferred.

    The result? After players calmed down and understood that Jmods were genuinely trying to improve the game and weren't just silencing them unilaterally, they participated in the process. Many player recommendations were worked into the eventual poll, and the resulting system is, it is generally agreed, an improvement to the game. Death outside of a few instanced bosses has meaning now, where it just didn't before. Items can't be deleted in certain other instances anymore, and the gravestone system means players are no longer ruined if their internet crashes or some other disaster occurs. I've personally had over 10m of my bank just deleted by gravestone fees (I'm bad lol), and I agree this system is better than the old one.

    My Recommendation to Jmods

    Take the death rework as an example of how to handle changes that absolutely must happen to improve the game, but won't pass a traditional poll. Announce your end goals, give us a floor to work from, and then let us decide how various items will be rebalanced. Instead of just reacting to an angry mob, give us some options so we feel like we have agency in the process. This would also let you poll rebalances beyond what you have already talked about...

    For instance, you could have a question on the poll that is just: "Should currently underwhelming Barrows sets be improved?" You don't have to figure out exactly how to improve them yet, just ask us if we want that. You could ask: "Should the crystal bow and/or armor be buffed to make it not quite as good as the current blowpipe on high-level bosses?" You could play around with the numbers afterward, but you would at least give us a choice. Or you could ask, "Should the nerf to Dinhs Bulwark be purely stats-based, or implement some other mechanic to make PvP involving it more interactive?" You don't need to figure out the mechanic right now, though I've seen some good possibilities here, but this would let people decide what they want the Bulwark to be after the rebalance.

    My point is that you already have an excellent system for collecting player feedback in a civilized, organized, and transparent manner, and you aren't using it. But you absolutely can use it for this by just broadening the kinds of questions you are willing to poll. You've already demonstrated that you're willing to force some kind of change on the game with the death rework poll. Give us some agency in what that direction will be, and all of this anger will probably be turned to more constructive ends.

    submitted by /u/Frommerman
    [link] [comments]

    When I met mod ash in a Cambridge pub 6 years ago

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:13 AM PST


    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:17 AM PST

    Replace Olm hands with weird hands from eyes of glouphrie

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST

    hit me in the feels today

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Hard Clue Bugged? Won't Let Me Proceed.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:07 AM PST

    Lumbridge when there's a new Amazon Prime membership month

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Top 150 Vorkath kc with 26k kills everybody

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Jagex sabotages Dinh's work.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:43 PM PST

    Replace weird eyes of glouphrie hand with GE hand

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:09 AM PST

    First 99 ever. Feels nice

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:21 AM PST

    Redwood bow please��

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:55 AM PST

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