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    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    Old School RuneScape: That dds!

    Old School RuneScape: That dds!

    That dds!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:23 AM PST

    When the quest guide recommends to bring stamina pots in trailblazer

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    not sure the fire's supposed to be coming from that end...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:19 PM PST

    IrOnMeN WiLl FaRm BaNdOs aNd DrOP TrADe tO EffEcT ThE EcOnOmY

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:58 PM PST

    When you don't have time for RNG

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:09 AM PST

    How's everyone doing in Leagues?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:46 AM PST

    I've made an infernal cape inspired phone case for my boyfriend as he can't seem to get one in game.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:53 PM PST

    Lets take a look at Bandos hiscores and how much ironmen contribute to it

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Lets look at some hiscores, you can only get ranked on bandos with 50 kc, there are a little over 163k players ranked at bandos. of which, of these 163k players, there is around 9900 ironmen. People are telling us that these 9900 players, with significantly worse kills per hour, will crash the price? (this statement is pretty flawed, and probably shouldnt be here)

    Lets also compare the rank 1 bandos ironman vs his spot on global hiscores. He has a total of 5000 kc. His spot on the global hiscores is a whopping rank 521. Assuming average luck he gets one bandos armor piece every 127 kills, hes introduced 40 pieces to the economy (assuming he droptrades it). Meanwhile the other 500 players above him have introduced a minimum of 40 pieces each as well. rank 1 bandos so far has about 43500 kc almost 9x the amount as rank 1 ironman.

    Frankly the top ironmen is still only a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of KC mains get. And I think its safe to assume most ironmen leave bandos once they get the hilt, top and tassets. Lets assume most ironmen finish bandos at around 684 kc giving them a 75% chance to have all the items. Including boots which everybody might not even stay for. That narrows the 10k ironmen down to 1600. just about 16% actually finish bandos assuming this luck. Going up to around 1300 kc for people who are really dry, we re down to only 250 ironmen left. Meaning a majority of players leave bandos way before they start introducing any significant amount of drops through drop trading.

    TL:DR; most ironmen leave bandos long before they even reach killcounts which could in theory introduce alot of duplicate drops that gets droptraded

    also a little sidenote on how much ironmen droptrade, i am a 2100 total ironman, (Maho Hiyajo, if you want to check on hiscores). I have droptraded various duplicate items to the maingame, I have accumulated only about 70m gp in droptrade duplicates so far. (and various useless resources like magic potions) but I am not the biggest pvmer out there, so take this sidenote with a grain of salt.

    submitted by /u/TheIsaia
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    New Leagues money maker (just alch them after)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    Zammy pet on first kill ever.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Unpopular Opinion: Trailblazer Ranks should’ve been based on static task requirements, NOT dynamic point thresholds.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:11 AM PST

    FYI - I currently have dragon.

    Leagues have very similar design principles to that of Path of Exile and yet, the "ranking" system is completely absurd.

    Take PoE leagues for example, cosmetic rewards are based off task completions at certain milestones(12/24/36/40). Here, it's based on a constantly changing threshold of 1% for top tier.

    Ngl, even though I'm currently at dragon, it seems like reaching that threshold is catering towards players that do this as a part time job rather than casual hobby and it's going to become more difficult as leagues continue to come out to reach that dragon rank.

    submitted by /u/Gr3yf13ld
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    i remember getting silver light and thinking it would be the best weapon

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Mom: finish your lamps there are children in Morytania xp wasting

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:16 AM PST

    After going 3.6k KC dry on the Sarachnis pet, i thought i'll probably go 10k dry but it appears fate has something else in store for me.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Zamorak care package inc

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:09 PM PST

    This instanced GWD drama made me realize that people really have no idea how much of a grind ironman is

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    First of all, obligatory english is not my native language, and I'm not used to writing long texts like this, so sorry for any parts that are hard to understand

    I know Bandos and other GWD bosses are usually regarded as midlevel content, but people really seems to underastimated how much the "midlevel" lasts for ironman accounts.

    Now, I'm not really an expert on the ironman mode, so i may not know all the strats and probably am a little outdated on my knowlage, as I don't play that much anymore, but I bet that before an iroman is ready for efficiently soloing Bandos, you could start a normal account from scretch, grind levels and gear for high level pvm and even have time to learn stuff like ToB or CoX with randons on the internet, and earn 2-3 times the money I would be getting at Bandos.

    For exemple, you prob wanna get some barrows gear before doing any GWD content, and for that you need (again, talking about efficient methods) at least moryrania hard diary (which means you need 70 prayer, by killing your own dragons), plus the con and magic level for a barrows teleport portal in your poh. And then you need to actually grind barrows for the equipment.

    And thats only one thing, maybe you want a whip, which means you also need 80-85 slayer (depending on your avaliability of wild pies), maybe you want to go for a DWH (since you need less gear for it, so you may as well get it before doing bandos). And that's not even talking about food and potions, and the time it takes to gather resources to level up cooking and herblore.

    And all this is fine, that is what this game mode is about, and I find it fun to play the game this way. What's not fun tho, is after having all this work, still needing to hop worlds for 20 minutes until I find a open world, and even after that I still need to pray for guthix so no main account decides to show up and simply hit the boss a single time and ruin my kill, just so I can have acess to a important part of the game.

    So no, no one is going to use ironman accounts to farm GWD bosses when you could simply make an rune dragon alt from scratch before I'm even ready to start doing Bandos. And no, competing for resources with mains isnt what "ironman is about" (if you even call it competing, since any one hit from a main means they win, that's like saying a professional runner can compete with a toddler in a running contest), I signed up for having to grind all my stuff by myself, not world hopping simulator.

    submitted by /u/DontFuckingPanic
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    Mort Myre Chungus

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Double standard

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:07 AM PST

    2154 total botting hunter - I’ve stolen his traps and he’s hunting on 1 trap now

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 06:00 PM PST

    This is Lumbridge Remade

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Sometimes you gotta multitask

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Brother Omad at the end of Trailblazer League

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Rendi Kills Jad with DDR Pad

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:04 PM PST

    This inferno jad came out way better than I anticipated

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Me in Trailblazer with the Botanist relic, trying to complete the hard Morytania diary

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:07 AM PST

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